攝影師:周墨Chou Mo
Taiwan|B. DANCE
Blah Blah Blah
可視為一股挑釁現狀的輕蔑不恭抑或 細膩咀嚼後的嚴視證問
我們相信,年輕世代的創作者激起創作的動機與熱情,也許起於飯後家常的零星碎語,而經過轉化,將想法轉為行動,以藝術為媒介,勇於表達的態度, 〈Blah Blah Blah〉可以是面對現況的不滿與挑釁;亦可是正向的反思及發聲。
2018『關渡藝術節』雙舞作的呈現,將為台灣編舞家蔡博丞以及盧森堡的女性獨立藝術家Jill Crovisier全新創作的世界首演,透過兩位千禧世代編舞家之眼,我們得以細膩的審視、拆解其全球化後的文化框架、社會樣貌、政治形態、性別議題、文化差異等議題,此雙舞作以最純粹肢體的樣貌出發,藉由編舞家深思後的內斂及反芻,在作品中以剪影的手法搭配交織幻化的燈影,勾勒出現實社會中夾雜著華麗與蒼涼的衝突樣貌,試以編舞家獨有的編舞手法,提出質疑、喚醒初衷、嚴視社會現況,丟出屬於我們世代的〈Blah Blah Blah〉。
特邀藝術家Jill Crovisier
舞者、編舞家、影像製作人,JC Movement Production的創辦人。Jill Crovisier自16歲開始環遊世界,透過旅行,開啟了她的思想以及對舞蹈的感知。
畢業於盧森堡阿爾澤特埃施音樂學院,2005年Jill獲選為英國文藝協會組織一員前往中國北京歐盟藝術學院學習,隨後她繼續在印尼、紐約、法國及以色列持續進修,並獲得了舞蹈教學學位,Jill曾以舞者身份參與各國舞團演出,包含以色列、澳洲、德國、美國、盧森堡、英國....等;並獨立發表全新創作,近年作品Zement:2016年入選參與德國LUCKY TRIMMER藝術節、德國漢諾威國籍編舞大賽及丹麥哥本哈根國際編舞大賽,並在哥本哈根獲得B.DANCE製作獎;另一作品The hidden garden則獲選於2017年Aerowaves 的前20名作品。2015年至2017年間,Jill 與Colors Kannerschlass和EME基金會合作在盧森堡引領兒童治療舞蹈專案STEPS AND BEATS and Dancing,是現今十分活躍的新銳創作者。
B.OOM Workshop 舞蹈工作坊相關訊息( https://www.bdance.co/pages/boom-work-shop)
日期:09/22(Sat.)- 09/23(Sun) 09:00-13:00
來自盧森堡的女力震撼—Jill Crovisier 專屬現代技巧課(盧森堡)
此課程基礎建立在即興舞蹈之上,Jill 將帶領學員們使用不同的舞蹈風格(當代舞、傳統舞、街舞或是地板練習)融合結構式舞蹈技巧(瑪莎葛蘭姆技巧為基底)在過程中,除了自我開發,學員也將會學習到JC Movement 舞團作品選粹,透過Jill豐富的閱歷將帶領學員們踏上一趟未知的旅程,以肢體為名,連結世界。打破藩籬,重新解構舞蹈,使無所不在的生活日常轉化為表達自我的靈感動能,在保有獨特風格的同時,挖掘自身對舞蹈的全新樣貌,在課程中,將衝破你於對肢體的框架限制。
特邀藝術家|Jill Crovisier (盧森堡籍)
主視覺拍攝|周墨 CHOU MO
questioning the current status with a contemptuous laugh yet perhaps a reasonable doubt under careful examination It sometimes began with a spontaneous chat or a random conversation, from then the idea of a project grew like a seed in the earth thriving for life and gradually transformed into a structured project. 〈Blah Blah Blah〉 can be explained as the provocation and dissatisfaction of the present status for the young generation, but it could also be a self-reflection and an honest voice.
Taiwanese choreographer, Tsai Po-Cheng teamed up with Luxembourgish independent artist, Jill Crovisier, in order to present their latest creation of two dance pieces, debuting at the 2018 Kuandu Arts Festival.
With the simplicity and originality of body language, the creation provides the perspective of culture, society, politics, gender and cultural differences through the eyes of Millennials.
Regarded as the outcome of the artist’s deep self-examination, using silhouettes and illuminations to create the conflict of glamour and desolation of the modern society.
With the unique choreography of the two artists, they question and analyze the current phase of what many of us are in yet also reminding us the pure nature within ourselves.
This is the “blah blah blah” that belongs to our generation.
About B. DANCE
To us, beauty is born when Focus meets Sincerity -- overwhelming beauty is the value of creative representation that is born of unwavering focus and emotional transmission that border on obstinacy and refined by time. Taiwanese independent choreographer Tsai Po-Cheng has been pushing the limits of human movements to achieve aesthetics that incorporates oriental mysticism and fantasy. These original works from Taiwan have since been staged domestically and internationally.
B. DANCE aspires to embrace an incessant pursuit of the ultimate beauty in art with a cross-disciplinary team that realizes our core values, and to build a platform of art inspired by creativity and innovation. Frequent international exchanges and interactions will help each of our members to step in sync with world’s rhythm, while affirming awareness of their talents and the Taiwanese values. Since the establishment of B. DANCE we have performed in Germany, the Czech Republic, Spain, Israel, Denmark, Italy, Switzerland, France, China, Hong Kong, among others, and been recognized by a number of international competitions and well-known dance companies.
Production Team
Production|B.DANCECo-organizer|Kuandu Arts Festival
Artistic Director & Choreographer|Po-Cheng Tsai
Guest Choreographer|Jill Crovisier
Dancers|Chien-Chih Chang, Chin Chang, Sheng-Ho Chang, Yu Chang, I-Han Huang, Li-An Lo, Ming-Hsuan Liu, Yi-Ting Tsai
Lighting Designer|Otto Chang
Producer & Company Manager|Tzu-Yin Hsu
Rehearsal Assistant|Yen-Ling Yi
Tickets & Administration|Wen-Ting Chen
Graphic Designer|Johnson Wang
Video Production|Meng-Hsueh Ho
Photographer|CHOU MO
Sound Engineering|INCUBUS LTD.
Technical Director|INFINITArtS