攝影師:Frédéric Iovino

France| Centre Chorégraphique National de Tours
Another look at memory
以身體叩問記憶,造訪回憶的重建與重生安—艾曼妞‧德露Anne-Emmanuelle Deroo、安—蘇菲‧藍西琳Anne-Sophie Lancelin、拉斐爾‧柯汀Raphaël Cottin.——這三位舞者,與編舞家托馬‧勒布朗Thomas Lebrun合作十多年,在這次的創作中,托馬‧勒布朗Thomas Lebrun希望回顧十年來共同編寫過的舞碼、喚醒自二00八年以來合作過的創作、質疑身體的記憶、呼喚過去的作品、並且擠壓感官知覺。
那些獨舞——《候補星座》(La constellation consternée)或《三十年的愛情》(Trois décennies d’amour cerné)……《死亡與少女》(La jeune fille et la mort)或《舞詠》(Lied Ballet)……或許還有《失踪之前》(Avant toutes disparitions)……——這十年間共同創作的舞蹈,他們的身體、記憶、眼中還記得哪些動作呢?專為一個人編寫的獨舞又要如何跟那些看過這支舞無數次的同僚分享呢?實際上,又要如何跟他們共享其中親密的美學感受呢?
隨著風景一幕幕流逝,定格的影像就從眼前消失。根據已經看過而且為人熟知的作品——有時候還是從很久遠以前就已經存在的作品——編寫一齣新的舞作,其實就像是重新編寫一齣新的共同創作,同時搭配菲利普‧葛萊斯Philip Glass的風琴、聲樂作品《和諧回眸》(Another look at harmony)——音樂風格極簡,但是效果強烈。
這三名舞者參與了這十年間的創作,突然間,闖入了一名年輕舞者馬辛‧歐伯特Maxime Aubert——最近才從國家現代舞中心安格斯學院畢業……第一次與他的合作,這種傳承的感覺正是舞蹈的核心,也是這個作品的核心。記憶始終不斷地重建、重生……然後分享。
Anne-Emmanuelle Deroo, Anne-Sophie Lancelin, Raphaël Cottin. Three performers whom I follow for more than ten years, who follow me for more than ten years.
In this creation, I wish to cross ten years of common writings, to evoke plays created together since 2008, to question the memory of bodies, to summon those of the writings and to hustle those of the sensations.
The solos of “La constellation consternée” or “Trois décennies d’amour cerné”... “La jeune fille et la mort” or Lied Ballet”... maybe also “Avant toutes disparitions”... Of these shared creations since ten years, which are the movements which come clearly in their bodies, in memory, in eyes? How to share solos written for one with the colleagues who saw it danced so many times, actually how to offer a part of its artistic intimacy?
As a landscape which scrolls and from which the fixed images escape us, to cross a new choreographic partition created by partitions already seen, known and sometimes already distant, to create a new common writing, carried by the strong piece of music, although minimalist, for organ and voice of Philip Glass, “Another look at harmony”.
These three dancers, witnesses of my work for ten years, are suddenly joined by the young dancer Maxime Aubert, met quite recently at the college of the CNDC of Angers for a final quartet... It is for him a first piece with us, which gives all the sense of the transmission which is at the heart of the dance and at the heart of the creation. As a memory always to reconstruct, to animate... To share.
Choreographer: Thomas Lebrun
Dancers: Maxime Aubert, Raphaël Cottin, Anne-Emmanuelle Deroo, Anne-Sophie Lancelin
Lights: Xavier Carré
Sound: Mélodie Souquet
Tour manager: Caroline Deprez
Production: CCN de Tours; Coproduction: Festival de Danse Cannes, Le Triangle, scène conventionnée danse à Rennes; Résidence: La Pratique, Atelier de fabrique artistique, Vatan - Région Centre-Val de Loire; Soutien: Université François-Rabelais de Tours.
The Centre national chorégraphique de Tours benefits support from the ministry of Culture - DGCA - DRAC Centre, the City of Tours, the Land Council of Centre-Val de Loire, the Departemental Council of Indre-et-Loire and Tours Métropole Val de Loire.