照片提供: Roylee Suriyaworakul
Thailand|Friend's Laboratory
來自土地的記憶,靈魂深處的情感連結《過客》訴說著一段人們對泰國深南部這個地方的拼湊記憶,一個或曾探訪過、或曾視為家鄉、又或者只是曾經路過的地方。十四年前,在四月下旬的一個炎熱的日子裡,發生了一場大災難,當地超過百名的穆斯林和軍官在北大年的大屠殺中喪生,從此,泰國深南部便經常成為頭條新聞。然而,作為泰國公民,卻幾乎不曾對自己身處的土地有更清晰的視野,每當想一探究竟時,卻反而推託著別人前進。本演出從Rossanee Nurfarida的一首詩“遠離自己的家園”開始,探索那些曾在這片土地上遊歷的記憶,並重新定義土地與人之間的連結。
“PASSENGERS” is the pastiched memories of people about a place where they visited, they called home or they just passed by — the Deep Triangle South Thailand. 14 years ago on a hot day in late April, one of the devastated event occurred, the massacre of Kure se Masjid in Pattani, the local muslim and the army officers more than 100 persons were killed in the fight. The Deep South Thailand makes a headline or a front page more often from that point. However, as Thai citizen, we barely perceive a clearer view of the part our land, we may push each other go further when we want to get closer. Driving by a poem by Rossanee Nurfarida called “Far Away from Our Own Homes”, this performance explores those memories that traveling in the land to redefine the connection between the places and people.
製作人Producer : Arunwadi Leewananthawet
製作策劃Production Designer :Pornpan Arayaveerasid
創作者/表演者Creator / Performer : Peangdao Jariyapun
創作構想Conceiver : Teeraphan Ngowjeenanan
共同創作者/表演者Co-creator / Performer : Nasree Labaideeman
共同創作者/詩人Co-creator / the Poet : Rossanee Kaesaman
劇場設計Designer : Piti Boonsom Assistant
劇場設計Designer : Stapanik Supawong
舞監Stage Manager : Jitpisut Srichoo
舞監Stage Manager :Wanarudee Hansomboon