捷克|ROBE 燈光公司|ROBE Lighting Asia Pacific
ROBE Lighting Master Class
此次ROBE邀請到在全世界各種表演,演出,音樂會和電視節目等設計超過200多場並屢獲殊榮的燈光設計師Yaron Abulafia博士. 他曾與眾多大型歌劇院和戲劇院合作設計過,如柏林的德意志歌劇院和喜歌劇院,倫敦柯芬園的沙德勒之井劇院和皇家歌劇院,摩納哥舞蹈論壇,盧森堡大劇院,北京保利劇院和上海歌舞團,波蘭國家歌劇院,柏林國家芭蕾舞團,荷蘭當代舞蹈團,英格蘭國家芭蕾舞團,上海舞蹈劇院,蘭伯特當代舞蹈劇團,溫哥華BC芭蕾舞團和西班牙國家舞蹈團(以上僅舉例)。
此外,來自捷克共和國Robe Lighting總部的Steve Eastham經理將概述電腦燈的歷史和發展。Steve Eastham經理在電腦燈業界工作超過四分之一個世紀的歲月中,親身而且第一手經歷了這一段發展。在他與各個公司的合作中,他一直扮演著將他從各種巡迴及活動中收集而來的經驗,分享並提供開發團隊技術支持的角色。
Award-winning performance designer Dr. Yaron Abulafia has designed over 200
performances, installations, concerts and TV shows internationally.
He designed in numerous large-scale opera and theatre houses like the Deutsche
Oper and Komische Oper in Berlin, Sadler’s Wells and Royal Opera House – Covent
Garden (London), Monaco Dance Forum, Grand Theatre Luxembourg, Poly Theatre
Beijing and Shanghai International Dance Centre, National Operas of Poland, Czech
Republic and Israel for: Staatsballett Berlin, Nederlands Dans Theater, English
National Ballet, Shanghai Dance Theatre, Rambert Dance Company, Ballet BC in
Vancouver and Compañía Nacioanl de Danza in Spain, to mention but a few.
Presented by Robe, Dr Abulafia will share his experience and techniques in the Art of Stage Lighting with all attendees over this 4 day-course. Presenting his award-winning international designs, he will also introduce the attendees into the Creative Process of Lighting Design. Painting with Light Dr Abulafia will show how to develop a Lighting Concept and bridge the gap between Stage Design(ers) and Lighting Design(er). Always willing to share we will hold this seminar as interactive as possible to answer all possible questions that you may have before and during the event.
Further to this, Mr Steve Eastham from Robe Lighting Headquarter in Czech Republic will give an overview on the history and development of Moving Lights. Having worked on moving lights for more than a quarter of a century, Steve has experienced the developments first-hand. In his role with various companies he has been supporting the development teams with his experience gathered on tours and events all over the world.
As an Engineer by profession and a Lighting Engineer by passion, Steve will take us through the development of moving lights and share his technical knowledge gathered. He vast experience will be an enormous help for the working and/or aspiring Lighting Technician to get deeper knowledge of the inside and outside of any moving light around.
主講人: Steve Eastham資深維修經理和Yaron Abulafia博士。
ROBE Lighting將呈現為期四天的舞台燈光藝術和智能電腦燈具發展研討會,ROBE Lighting一直以來是研發現代化、可信賴且供應劇場使用的電腦燈具先驅。本次與合作夥伴國立臺北藝術大學和臺灣東濂和光有限公司共同主辦這場研討會。
Dr. Yaron Abulafia博士 (B.A.,M.F.A.,PhD)
Steve Eastham資深維修經理(Service Manager Robe Lighting CZ)
Jens Poehlker總經理 (Managing Director Robe Lighting Asia Pacific)
Jackson Yu 執行總監(Director of DLHG Company Taiwan)