義大利|Francesco Fassone
Performance for Ropes, Cloth and Pulleys
由法蘭切斯科・法松(Francesco Fassone)製作的造景機械裝置由航海與舞台的共通元素(繩索、滑輪、布)構成,觀者將在狹仄的侷限空間中,探索漫遊的極限。
《塑》是由滑輪與繩索連動組合而成的活動結構,與一大片船帆材質的白布( 50 平方公尺)結合,如同建築空間內的帆底橫桿 。
Francesco Fassone, by creating scenic machineries with the employment of tools, derived from navigation and stagecraft and shared by both of them (ropes, pulleys, cloth), makes a research on the prospect of making a travel within the limits of a narrow space. “Shape” is an apparatus composed by a connection of pulleys and ropes, fixed to a big white cloth (50 m²), made of a sailing textile, with an adjustable strucure, like a sail foot, installed inside an architectural space. The mechanism, driven manually, by stagehands, like a sail operated by sailors, can move within the ambient, crawling on the surfaces and transforming, creating an incessant process of permutation, evoking different spaces, abstract forms and sensations.The performance wants to suggest a parallelism between the use of a theatrical backdrop and a sail, to evoke a metaphorical navigation in an unconscious dimension.
Francesco Fassone (1975) is an architect and set designer graduated of Turin Politecnique. His work is divided between designig scenographies for contemporary, classical, avangard, musical theatre and collaborating with contemporary artists and curators. His research focuses on the relationship between the language of theatre and architetcure. He gaves lectures in many italian and foreign universities.
Francesco Fassone(1975)是杜林理工大學畢業的建築師和舞台設計師,其作品涵括當代、古典、前衛及音樂劇場的設計風格,他也與當代藝術家和策展人的合作。他的研究聚焦在戲劇與建築語言之間的關係,並且在多所義大利和其他國家的大學授課。
School of Theatre Design Arts, TNUA
The Department specializes in theatrical design and theories studying of relative techniques with sufficient spaces and facilities. Teachers of the Department are prominent in domestic theatrical design community, frequently cooperating and exchanging ideas with distributed masters of theatrical design at home and abroad, and introduce the upmost concepts, media, and producing techniques into technical practices at home.
In addition, the Department is also in good and close relationship cooperating with major domestic performing art groups, thus serves students many opportunities of profession training and work. Many alumni swiftly become professional personages of stage, lighting, and costume in domestic theaters.
In this communicating project, the Departments cooperates with the Italian installation artist Francesco, and will bring upon courses, workshops and a final performing practice. The project means to make people apprehend a performance without ”human” himself, how to turn materials into actors, and be familiar with its ideas and operating techniques.
Francesco Fassone