臺灣|大提琴 / 楊文信、小提琴 / 陳瑾瑒、鋼琴 / 范姜毅|
Wen-Sinn Yang, Cello / Lorenz Chen, Violin / Yi Fan-Chiang, Piano
The Night of Ensemble
揚名樂壇的大提琴巨匠楊文信,目前為慕尼黑音樂戲劇學院的大提琴教授,其謙沖穩健又獨具一格的演奏風格深受廣大樂迷喜愛。小提琴家陳瑾瑒近年以超級新秀之姿迅速崛起,2018年勛菲爾德國際弦樂大賽(Schoenfeld International String Competition)小提琴組首獎,為小提琴天后茱莉亞.費雪(Julia Fischer)及安娜.舒馬茜蔻(Ana Chumachenco)的嫡傳弟子,擁有純熟耀眼的琴藝,並於今年取得慕尼黑音樂戲劇學院小提琴最高演奏家文憑。
Eugène Ysaÿe: Meditation for Cello and Piano
Arthur Honegger: Sonatine for Violin and Cello, H. 80
Paul Hindemith: Sonata for Violin Solo, Op. 11 No. 6
Bohuslav Martinů: Duo No. 1 for Violin and Cello, H. 157
Claude Debussy: Piano Trio in G Major, L. 5
身為國際知名獨奏家,楊文信曾與諸多指揮合作過,包括柯林‧戴維斯爵士、洛林‧馬捷爾、馬里斯‧楊頌斯、呂紹嘉、傑郭許‧挪華克、丹尼爾‧克萊納、佐渡裕和米歇爾‧霍夫斯泰特;也與許多樂團合作,如:巴伐利亞廣播交響、上海交響樂團、東京 NHK 交響樂團、英國皇家愛以及莫斯科的俄羅斯國家管絃樂團;除了獨奏家活動之外,楊文信也是炙手可熱的室內絃樂團合作夥伴。他極度敏銳的樂感、高超技巧以及強烈的表現力都使他的演奏達到最高境界,並持續不斷開拓出聆賞世界的新視野。
自2004年以來,楊文信一直在慕尼黑音樂與戲劇學院擔任大提琴教授,並經常舉辦國際大師班課程。在2016/17樂季,他到台北的國家交響樂團台灣愛樂擔任駐團藝術家。楊文信的曲目豐富而廣泛,這一點可見於他所錄製的30多張 CD 裡。這些專輯不僅包括了鮑凱里尼、海頓、貝多芬、舒伯特、聖桑、拉羅、柴可夫斯基和德弗克等作曲家的大提琴基本盤重要曲目,還有亨利‧魏歐當、法蘭克‧馬汀、雷歐尼德‧薩巴涅夫和蘇菲亞‧古拜杜麗娜的作品。其中許多曲目還是該作品首次錄音。
2005年,楊文信與巴伐利亞電視台合作錄製了巴哈六首無伴奏大提琴組曲。這張由 Arthaus 所發行的 DVD,獲得了樂評們的高度讚賞,認為該錄音雖以現代樂器重新演奏這些作品,卻仍然具有古樂演奏實踐的深刻歷史覺察,是現代琴版本有力詮釋。Alma Brasileira 這張 CD 收錄了巴西作曲家拉達美斯‧拿太理的室內樂作品,於2015年榮獲拉丁葛萊美獎的最佳古典樂專輯。
Wen-Sinn Yang, cello
Enthusiasm for the unknown and indefatigable research distinguish Wen-Sinn Yang as one of the most versatile cellists of the present day. In his original, moderated concerts, he not only revives the music of nineteenth-century cello virtuosos such as Adrien François Servais and Karl Yulievich Davydov, but also enables his audience to find access to such modern composers as Aribert Reimann and Isang Yun. Alongside his activities as an internationally renowned soloist under conductors including Sir Colin Davis, Lorin Maazel, Mariss Jansons, Shiao-Chia Lü, Grzegorz Nowak, Daniel Klajner, Yukata Sado and Michael Hofstetter and with such orchestras as the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra the Shanghai Symphony, the NHK Tokyo, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and the Russian State Orchestra of Moscow, Wen-Sinn Yang is also a highly sought-after chamber music partner. His particularly sensitive, highly virtuoso and strongly expressive playing at the highest technical level continues to open up ever new listening perspectives. Yang has been Professor of Violoncello at the Academy of Music and Theatre in Munich since 2004 and also regularly gives international master courses. During the2016/17 season he was Artist-in-Residence with the Taiwan Philharmonic, the National Symphony Orchestra in Taipei.
Wen-Sinn Yang's widely ranging repertoire is documented more than 30 CDs. These include not only the principal works for violoncello by Boccherini, Haydn, Beethoven, Schubert, Saint-Saens, Lalo, Tchaikovsky and Dvořák, but also compositions by Henri Vieuxtemps, Frank Martin, Leonid Sabaneev and Sofia Gubaidulina. Many of these recordings are premiere recordings. Yang recorded the six solo suites of J.S. Bach in 2005 in cooperation with Bavarian Television. This DVD, released by Arthaus, was praised by the critics as a valid interpretation of how these works can be performed anew on modern instruments and yet with a profound awareness of historically informed performance practice.
著名音樂評論家Harald Eggebrecht在南德意志報(Süddeutsche Zeitung)寫道:「Lorenz Chen 擁有精確的音準、璀璨的琴聲......其純淨的音色、淬鍊的樂句與聲觸,在在引人入勝。」
德國賴興哈爾日報(Reichenhaller Tagblatt)樂評家Elisabeth Aumiller亦稱讚「Lorenz Chen 挾其純熟耀眼的琴藝,化解高難度的音階、複雜的節奏,駕馭著 高超的技巧,表達出精湛無比、多采多姿的音樂,不禁令人佩服稱道,真是名 副其實的”魔鬼小提琴家” (wahrer Teufelsgeiger)。」
出生於德國弗萊堡的陳瑾瑒,六歲開始學習小提琴,曾師事弗萊堡音樂學院Jörg Hofmann教授、慕尼黑音樂學院名演奏家Julia Fischer茱麗亞‧費雪教授及名師Ana Chumachenco。今年7月甫獲小提琴最高演奏家文憑。
陳瑾瑒於多項國際大賽中獲獎,新近如勛菲爾德國際弦樂大賽(Schoenfeld International String Competition)小提琴組首獎;德國慕尼黑國際音樂大賽傑出演奏者特別獎(ARD International Music Competition, Special Award of the ‘U21 Sonderpreis’);亨利‧馬托國際小提琴大賽(International Violin Competition Henri Marteau)首獎及觀眾評審獎,並由慕尼黑巴伐利亞廣播電台(Bayerischer Rundfunk)監製發行CD。
曾多次在德國全國青少年音樂大賽中贏得首獎,並得到最佳莫札特詮釋特別獎,亦獲頒德國音樂培育基金會特別獎、歐洲文化基金會音樂最佳潛力獎以及德法交流協會之青年小提琴家獎。自2015年起陳瑾瑒是耶胡迪·曼紐因音樂協會(Yehudi Menuhin Live Music Now in Deutschland)獎學金贊助者。除受邀獨奏會及與樂團演出協奏曲外,也跟多位教授演奏家合作室內樂,足跡遍及德國、奧地利、瑞士、墨西哥、法國、義大利、波蘭、台灣等各大音樂廳。並擔任德國青年交響樂團(Junge Deutsche Philharmonie)及瑞士韋爾比亞音樂節(Verbier Festival)樂團首席,陳瑾瑒亦受邀在 Julia Fischer 音樂營(Musikferien am Starnberger See)中擔任授課教師。
陳瑾瑒使用1760年 Nicolò Gagliano 小提琴,由私人收藏家提供。
Lorenz Chen, Violin
Lorenz Chen was born in Freiburg, Germany.
His most recent accomplishments include winning the 1st prize at the Schoenfeld International String Competition 2018 and the International Violin Competition Henri Marteau 2017 as well as the 2nd prize at the Premio Rodolfo Lipizer International Violin Competition 2016. During the ARD Music Competition 2017 for Violin, Lorenz Chen was awarded the U21 Special Prize for an outstanding performance of a young participant.
Lorenz Chen received his first violin lessons at the age of six and was taught by Jörg Hofmann from 2003 to 2008. He studied with Julia Fischer at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts and at the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich. Since 2015, he has been a student of the renowned professor Ana Chumachenco.
Lorenz Chen won several first prizes at the German national competition Jugend musiziert and was awarded special prizes by the Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben and the Deutsche Mozart Gesellschaft. He received the Jugendförderpreis of the Deutsch-Französische Gesellschaft Freiburg and the Europäischer Hoffnungs-Preis of the European Foundation for Culture.
Besides building his reputation as a soloist, Lorenz Chen led the Junge Deutsche Philharmonie and the Verbier Festival Orchestra as concertmaster in concert halls such as the Berliner Philharmonie, Frankfurter Alte Oper and Laeiszhalle Hamburg.
Lorenz Chen plays a violin by Nicolò Gagliano from the second half of the 18th century.
自2012年擔任國立臺北藝術大學(Taipei National University of the Arts)專任助理教授
曾任德國國立漢諾威音樂學院(Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover)與特洛辛根音樂學院(Musikhochschule Trossingen)鋼琴講師(2007-2012)
受邀擔任西班牙伊比薩國際鋼琴大賽評審(Ibiza International Piano Competition)與德國、香港、澳門、中國、台灣等各國際比賽評審
「他的音樂駕馭於樂器之上…有品味的詮釋,透過超凡的技巧、變化無窮的音色,令各地的聽眾無不一折服 !」- Prof. Arie Vardi (知名鋼琴教育家、魯賓斯坦鋼琴大賽主審、國際多項重要鋼琴大賽評審)
范姜毅自13歲時移居前往德國留學,畢業於德國國立漢諾威音樂學院取得最高藝術文憑,就讀博士班其間考取母校的鋼琴教職而獲聘擔任講師,同時也為德國國立特洛辛根音樂學院Tomislav Baynov教授代課,教授碩博士班長達三年。他至今獲得國際比賽、音樂機構與政府單位所頒發的獎項殊榮不下三十項。
於密集教學與演奏之餘,范姜毅對公益活動與推廣藝文的參與也不遺餘力,曾參與玻璃娃娃募款活動與聖安娜之家四十周年募款慈善晚會等慈善募款演出。自2013年起他開始擔任新北市政府特教中心藝才資優音樂類資優生的指導教授,也受桃園武陵高中音樂班特聘為優質計畫課程大師演奏討論課,盡心指導提攜學生。他的學生們至今不只在台灣具代表性的比賽有優異的成績,在日本、澳門、美國、法國、德國、義大利、西班牙等國際比賽中也屢有獲獎以及榮登紐約卡內基演奏廳的優異表現。范姜毅連續兩年獲國家兩廳院邀請,擔任兩廳院評議評鑑委員。自2015年擔任中華蕭邦基金會的董事。2016年擔任Virtuoso里多所桃園盃音樂大賽的首席顧問。自2017年起他也每年受到德國具有35屆歷史的Euro Music Academy音樂節暨音樂營邀約,前往德國哈雷給予大師班與音樂會,並且在今年的開幕式音樂會獨奏演出。他同時也擔任臺中國家歌劇院邀請擔任評議評鑑委員。
范姜毅至今受邀在美國、歐洲、亞洲各國家演出,並且在德國、中國及台灣多次受邀舉辦鋼琴講座及大師班。 其演出錄影音在德國、波蘭、俄國、比利時、法國、義大利、羅馬尼亞、西班牙、以色列、美國以及台灣公共電視頻道與廣播電台等地公開播放,在台灣也與眾多樂團頻繁合作例如NSO國家交響樂團、長榮交響樂團、台北愛樂管弦樂團、高雄市立交響樂團、台中實驗交響樂團、餘韻管弦樂團、樂興之時管弦樂團、台北市立交響國樂團、九歌民族管弦樂團、臺北藝術大學管弦樂團、台北市立交響樂團附設管樂團、台灣藝術大學管樂團等等。與長榮管弦樂團的數場協奏曲演出影片也能在長榮航空上的影音節目點閱觀看。他曾受邀在德國Braunschweig Classix Festival藝術節、Schleswig-Holstein 藝術節、Euro Music Festival音樂節、西班牙Ibiza鋼琴藝術節、法國夏日音樂節(Fête de la Musique)以及奧地利、俄國、以色列、中國等國的音樂節演出。
傳承德國與俄國鋼琴學派的范姜毅受到多位當代重要音樂家深遠影響的指導與支持,例如已故鋼琴大師貝爾曼(Lazar Berman)、俄國鋼琴家與指揮家,也為當代最重要的史克里雅賓作品詮釋者祖克夫(Igor Zhukov)、鋼琴家齊瑪曼的恩師亞辛斯基(Andrej Jasinski)、承襲德奧派傳統的史寇達(Paul Badura-Skoda)、與一代傳奇指揮福特萬格勒合作協奏曲並錄音的德國已故鋼琴家漢森(Conrad Hansen)、波蘭蕭邦大賽得主與德國波昂貝多芬大賽主審Pavel Gillilov、李雲迪的恩師但昭義等。范姜毅也格外鍾愛藝術歌曲伴奏,曾跟隨獲得多次葛萊美大獎的德國男中音Thomas Quasthoff之合作鋼琴伴奏家Justus Zeyen學習多年。
至今合作過的國外音樂家包括國際知名小提琴家約夏.貝爾(Joshua Bell)、齊瑪諾夫斯基弦樂四重奏(Szymanowski Quartet)、加拿大UBC大學音樂系大提琴教授艾瑞克.威爾森(Eric Wilson)、波瑞麗斯弦樂四重奏大提琴家彭波(Bo Peng)、小提琴名家米爾斯坦的得意門生羅伯特.羅塞克(Robert Rozek)、德國科隆音樂學院鋼琴教授蓋莎‧呂克(Gesa Lücker)、德國音樂學院小提琴教授Kathrin ten Hagen、大提琴教授Katharina Deserno、法國Villeneuve Saint-Georges音樂學院鋼琴教授李芳宜、中國二胡演奏家趙磊與高韶青、著名的英倫跨界美聲男團布雷克Blake、南德廣播交響樂團指揮家克勞斯‧阿爾波(Klaus Arp)、德國指揮家葛諾‧許馬福斯(Gernot Schmalfuss)等。
Yi Fan-Chiang, piano
2012-present: Professor at Taipei National University of the Arts
2007-2012: Lecturer of Piano at Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover and Musikhochschule Trossingen
Jury member of the Ibiza International Piano Competition in Spain etc.
Biographical Notes:
“His music dominates the musical instrument with tasteful interpretations, which subdues audience worldwide through extraordinary virtuosity and dynamic timbres.” (by Prof. Arie Vardi, a celebrated piano pedagogy, chairmen of international Arthur Rubinstein Piano Competition in Tel Aviv, as well as the judge of numerous important international piano competitions)
Japanese music critic Satoru Takaku once commented in Japanese classical music magazines, the latter being the music critic of the Japanese magazine “Chopin Lover”, that the performance by the Germany-based pianist Yi Fan-Chiang is “undoubtedly the most remarkable among the performers tonight of the Gala Concert; unquestionably, in his superb playing, we see the endless future of the piano circle.”
Pianist Yi Fan-Chiang emigrated to study in Germany at the age of thirteen. He graduated from Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover and received Konzertexam. During his working on PHD with Prof. Matti Raekallio, he was already qualified for piano instructing as a lecturer in his school in Hannover, and simultaneously substituted for Professor Tomislav Baynov at Musikhochschule Trossingen, instructing piano in master and doctoral degrees for many years. Up to the present, he has been receiving more than 30 awards from international competitions, foundation and institutions.
While teaching and performing intensively, pianist Yi Fan-Chiang spares no effort in popularizing artistic and cultural activities. He has been instructing music talented children at Special Education; meanwhile, he was invited to be the distinguished professor of master classes for high quality educational project for Senior High School, during which he put numerous efforts in nurturing the young talents. His pupils and students have achieved great results in nationally and international events from Japan, Macau, America, France, Germany, Italy to Spain. Yi Fan-Chiang has been invited to assume the office of the councilor of National Theatre and Concert Hal for two consecutive years, the director of the board in Frederic Chopin Foundation of Taipei and the chief consultant of 2016 Virtuoso Taoyuan Music Competition. Since 2016 summer he is also the head of the piano department at Taipei National university of the Arts.
The performance of Pianist Yi Fan-Chiang has been regularly requested in countries among the Europe, Asia and U.S.; his piano lectures and master classes have also been held in Germany, China and Taiwan for many times. The video recording of his performance has been widely broadcast on public TV channels and radio stations in Germany, Poland, Russia, Belgium, France, Italy, Romania, Spain, Israel, America and Taiwan. He also cooperated with many orchestras such as in Germany, Italy and in Taiwan like National Symphony Orchestra Taiwan, Evergreen Symphony Orchestra, Taipei Philharmonic Orchestra, Kaohsiung City Symphony Orchestra, Philharmonia Moments Musicaux, Taipei Symphony and Chinese Orchestra, Chiuko Traditional Orchestra, TNUA (Taipei National University of Arts) String Orchestra, NTUA (National Taiwan University of Arts) Wind Orchestra, along with others. Click-throughs to the videos of his collaborative piano concerto concerts with Evergreen Symphony Orchestra are available in the audio and video programs provided by Eva Air. Moreover, he has been participating in at art festivals including Braunschweig Classix Festival and Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival in Germany, Concurso y Festival Internacional de Piano de Ibiza in Spain, Fête de la Musique in France and also on similar occasions in Austria, Russia, Israel, China and many countries.
Besides the standard repertoire,he also play many rare piano solo and concerto program with orchestra like Gerald Finzi, Leonard Berstein, George Antheil, Shi-Kun Liu etc. He made a premiere of a newly-composed piano concerto “Moonlight” by composer Lu Wen-Ci.
Inheriting from the German and Russian piano schools, pianist Yi Fan-Chiang has been instructed, supported and influenced profoundly by many important contemporary musicians, such as maestro Lazar Berman, the Russian pianist and conductor Igor Zhukov, who is one of the important interpret of the works by Scriabin in our time; Paul Badura-Skoda, the late German pianist Conrad Hansen, who played and made recording with the legendary conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler; Pavel Gillilov and many other great pianists.
Until now, pianist Yi Fan-Chiang has collaborated with various musicians abroad, including: the internationally renowned violinist Joshua Bell; Szymanowski Quartet; cellist Bo Peng and Eric Wilson, the professor of cello in UBC University in Canada; the Swiss violinist Robert Rozek, Gesa Lücker, the professor of piano at Hochschule für Musik Köln); Li Fang-Yi, the professor of piano at Villeneuve Saint-Georges Conservatoire in France; famous Chinese Erhu (Chinese traditional instrument) players Zhao Lei and Gao Shao-Jing; Klaus Arp, the German conductor of South German Radio Symphony Orchestra; the German conductor Gernot Schmalfuss, and many others.
Pianist Yi Fan-Chiang is going to attend various events this year, including releasing recording of chamber music, performing solo recitals, concertos and chamber music, invited as judges of Macau and Hong Kong International Piano Competitions, as well as giving piano lectures and master classes.
Wen-Sinn Yang, Cello
Lorenz Chen, Violin
Chiang-Yi Fan, Piano