
Classical German & Austrian Highlights Concert



2001年張榮發基金會邀集多位華人音樂家及國際知名的藝術顧問,合力促成20人編制的長榮樂團,並於2002年擴編為71人的長榮交響樂團,歷任音樂總監包括林克昌先生及王雅蕙小姐。2007年起正式聘請曾任慕尼黑室內獨奏樂團、慕尼黑愛樂、斯圖加特廣播交響⋯等知名樂團客座指揮的葛諾‧舒馬富斯先生(Prof. Gernot Schmalfuss)為現任音樂總監及首席指揮。

長榮交響樂團是國際間少數曾分別與世界三大男高音帕華洛帝(Luciano Pavarotti)、卡瑞拉斯(Jose Carreras)、多明哥(Plácido Domingo) 合作之樂團,多年來曾與樂團合作之藝術家還包括:指揮海慕特‧瑞霖(Helmuth Rilling)、井上道義(Michiyoshi Inoue),男高音安德烈‧波伽利(Andrea Bocelli)、羅素‧華生(Russell Watson),女高音安琪拉‧蓋兒基爾(Angela Gheorghiu)、芮妮‧弗萊明(Renée Fleming)、海莉‧韋斯頓(Hayley Westenra),小提琴家林昭亮、呂思清、寧峰、黃濱、黃蒙拉、神尾真由子(Mayuko Kamio),鋼琴家歐皮茲(G. Opitz)、羅伯列文(Robert Levin)、陳必先,長笛大師彼得—盧卡斯‧葛拉夫(Peter- Lukas Graf)、巴林特(Janos Balint)⋯⋯等。

長榮交響樂團曾分別於2005及2006年入圍台灣第十六、十七屆金曲獎「最佳古典音樂專輯」及「最佳演奏獎」。2005年,首度舉辦國際性的音樂教育活動,邀請世界知名小提琴泰斗查克哈‧布隆(Zakhar Bron)來台舉辦大師班及系列音樂會。2006年榮獲入選行政院文化建設委員會演藝團隊發展扶植計畫。2009年力邀四位曾獲帕格尼尼國際小提琴大賽(Premio Paganini)金獎得主呂思清、黃濱、黃蒙拉及寧峰一同來台聯合舉辦音樂營系列活動,這些對於提升台灣音樂文化的努力, 期望在備受樂界肯定之餘,也能使台灣與世界的樂壇接軌。2013年起與世界知名德國CPO唱片公司合作,陸續發行卡特里耶利(Antonio Cartellieri)四大交響曲,夏赫特(Theodor von Schacht)交響曲⋯等CD,其中卡特里耶利 (Antonio Cartellieri) 四大交響曲CD,獲Classic Today評為藝術品質10分;聲音品質10分的高評價。

長榮交響樂團於2004年起開始出國巡演,至今已創下國內樂團出國巡演的場次紀錄,目前海外巡演的足跡包括新加坡、馬來西亞麻坡、日本東京、韓國首爾、釜山、巨濟、挪威阿連多、英國倫敦、美國洛杉磯,義大利第里雅斯特、拉維納、拉維羅、澳洲雪梨、布里斯本、中國上海、北京、廈門、佛山、武漢、長沙、寧波、合川、瀘州、自貢、成都、重慶、綦江、南京、溧陽、深圳、天津、澳門等地。2010年9月獲上海世博局邀請, 前往上海世博會演出兩場音樂會。2011年9月及2013年6月兩度獲韓國三星重工邀請,前往韓國首爾及釜山演出,2012年6月獲義大利兩大世界知名音樂節—「拉維納音樂節(Ravenna Festival)」及「拉維羅音樂節(Ravello Festival)」邀請,赴義大利演出。2015年7月受邀赴澳洲巡演創下台灣交響樂團首度登上雪梨歌劇院及布里斯本市政廳演出之歷史新頁。2014年及2016年兩度獲北京國家大劇院邀請,連續邀參加第四及第五屆「中國交響樂之春」演出。2019年9月前往越南胡志明大劇院及河內大劇院演出。


Founded and supervised by the Chang Yung-Fa Foundation, the Evergreen Symphony Orchestra (ESO) is exceptional in being the only professional orchestra in Taiwan overseen by a private foundation, and one of but a few of its kind on the international stage. Young and energetic, full of team spirit and discipline,and characterized by outstanding professionalism and a unique style, the ESO’s mission is to offer the public superior performances of classical music by training and employing local talent. We are devoted to fostering young musicians and cultivating an environment and outlook that is both rooted in Taiwan and open to the world, an aspiration that is amply reflected in our musical repertoire.

In 2001, the Chang Yung-Fa Foundation invited a number of Chinese musicians and eminent international arts consultants to help form the Evergreen Orchestra, which initially consisted of 20 members. This was expanded to a full-blown symphony orchestra with 71 members in 2002: the Evergreen Symphony Orchestra (ESO). Its first two music directors were Kek-tjiang Lim (2002-2004) and Ya-hui Wang (2004- 2007), the first woman to hold such a position in Taiwan. Since 2007, the post of music director and chief conductor has been held by Gernot Schmalfuss, former guest conductor of the Munich Chamber Orchestra, the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra.

The ESO is one of the few symphony orchestras in the world that have, on different occasions, worked with all of the Three Tenors: Jose Carreras, Plácido Domingoand the late Luciano Pavarotti. But the list of international artists who have collaborated with us is much longer than that, including, among others, the conductors Helmuth Rilling and Michiyoshi Inoue, the tenors Andrea Bocelli and Russell Watson, the sopranos Angela Gheorghiu, Renée Fleming and Hayley Dee Westenra, the violinists Cho-Liang Lin, Si-Qing Lu and Mayuko Kamio, and concert flute maestro Peter-Lukas Graf.

In 2005 and 2006, the ESO was shortlisted for the 16th and 17th Golden Melody Awards in the categories “Best Classical Album” and “Best Instrumental Performance,” respectively. Also in 2005, we invited preeminent violinist Zakhar Bron to hold a master class and give a number of concerts in Taiwan. Moreover, the ESO was selected as one of the beneficiaries of the Council for Cultural Affairs Performing Arts Development Project in 2006. In 2009, we invited four former winners of the prestigious Premio Paganini violin competition to Taiwan for a series of concerts and activities: Si Qing-lu, Bin Huang, Mengla Huang, and Feng Ning. We hope that all these efforts not only help to embed classical music more firmly in our society, and enhance people’s ability to appreciate good works and performances, but also allow Taiwan to connect more closely with the international world of music. Evergreen Symphony Orchestra has been co-producing classical albums since 2013 with CPO, the well-known European record company. The Antonio Cartellieri Complete Symphonies was released in 2013 and was given a rating for both artistic & sound quality of ten points by the Classics Today Insider. The Theodor von Schacht Symphonies Vol.1 was released on March 2014. More albums are to be released in the next few years.

Since 2004, the ESO has toured abroad, and today no other Taiwan orchestra has more international concert tours under its belt, including performances in Singapore, Muar(Malaysia),Tokyo, Seoul, Pusan, Geoje, Arendal (Norway),London, Los Angeles, Trieste, Ravenna, Ravello (Italy), Sydney, Brisbane, Shanghai, Beijing, Xiamen, Foshan, Wuhan, Changsha,Ningbo, Hechuan, Luzhou, Zigong, Chengdu, Chongqing, Qijiang, Nanjing, Liyang, Tianjin and Macau. In 2010, the ESO gave special performances at the Shanghai Expo. In September, 2011, Samsung Heavy Industries invited the ESO to Seoul and Busuan in South Korea for performances. In June 2012, the ESO performed at Italy’s two most famous musical events—the Ravenna Festival and the Ravello Festival. In July 2015 the ESO was invited to perform at the Sydney Opera House and the Brisbane City Hall.The ESO will continue to export Taiwan’s music culture to every corner of the global.In 2014 and 2016, the National Centre for the Performing Arts twice invited the ESO to Beijing for the 4th and 5th China Orchestra Festival. In September 2019, the ESO performed at the Saigon Opera House and Hanoi Opera House in the Vietnam.

Clearly, the ESO is taking Taiwan to the world, following in the footsteps of the Evergreen Group, whose EVA Air and Evergreen Lines have blazed many trails for linking up our island of Taiwan with the rest of the world. The ESO will continue to export Taiwan’s music and culture to every corner of the global village.

大提琴/ 劉姝嫥

留歐美十數年,前茱莉亞絃樂四重奏小提琴家Earl Carlyss 稱她的演奏「音色流暢優美……結合了高度智慧、深度感性與原創性」;皮亞提果斯基(G.Piatigorsky)嫡傳弟子大提琴家Stephen Kates 則說她「天資聰穎、敏銳而積極」。返台後獲選為中正文化中心年度樂壇新秀,陸續於北藝大、輔大、交大、高師大等音樂系所展開其教學生涯並活躍於獨奏、室內樂與當代音樂的各項演出。曾應邀於林昭亮、亞力山大‧魯丁(Alexander Rudin)、胡瀞云等國際知名音樂家來台之音樂會中合作;為英國作曲家Dorothy Kerr作品《Solo forCello》之詮釋則深受作曲家本人喜愛而指定於BBC英國國家廣播節目中播出。

近年參與奇美博物館「提琴數位典藏計畫」及國立傳藝中心「台灣音樂憶像」之錄音並持續致力於國人作品的演出。除曾為吳丁連、李子聲、王思雅等台灣作曲家之大提琴作品世界首演外,率學生成立之大提琴重奏團(C.C. Liu’s CelloEnsemble) 也委託作曲家顏名秀創作為八把大提琴的《客家隨想》。2017暑假應邀前往義大利克雷莫納國際音樂營(Cremona International Music Academy) 教學及演出,目前為國立臺北藝術大學專任副教授。


Brahms: Academic Festival Overture

Wagner:《The Flying Dutchman》Prelude

Korngold: Cello Concerto Op. 37
大提琴:劉姝嫥/Cello: Liu, Chu-Chuan

Schumann: Symphony No. 4


北藝大專任大提琴副教授劉姝嫥,畢業於奧地利維也納市立音樂院及美國約翰霍普金斯大學琵琶底音樂院,更是國內最受矚目的大提琴演奏家之一。留學歐美十數年,前茱莉亞絃樂四重奏小提琴家Earl Carlyss稱她的演奏「音色流暢優美…結合了高度智慧、深度感性與原創性」;皮亞提果斯基(G. Piatigorsky)嫡傳弟子大提琴家Stephen Kates則說她「天資聰穎、敏銳而積極」。
