Taipei Philharmonic Orchestra


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台北愛樂管弦樂團自一九八五年成立以來,不只在台灣的音樂史上留下許 多重要紀錄,也在國內外贏得了許多重量級的樂評與肯定。創團音樂總監亨利 ‧梅哲(Henry Mazer)先生的音樂素養以及獨到的訓練,使「梅哲之音」成為 台灣樂壇的經典名詞。

一九九○年台北愛樂第一次前往加拿大溫哥華及美國芝加哥演出,當地媒 體以「島嶼的鑽石」來形容樂團。一九九三年至歐洲巡演,在世界著名的維也 納愛樂廳(Musikvereinssaal) ,即金色大廳,這是華人樂團首次在該廰演出。樂團 演出足跡遍及各國,包括芬蘭、愛沙尼亞、俄羅斯、波蘭、匈牙利、捷克、法 國、斯洛伐克…等。

台北愛樂無數次面臨場地的困難、經歷政策的變動,也深陷經費的困窘。 但是期間只要有台灣或是國外一張音樂廳的邀請、一響愛樂者的掌聲、一句樂 評人的讚許、或是一點企業界的贊助,台北愛樂的每一位就會忘記排練的汗水 、旅途的勞累與募款的卑微,再次堅定而自信地走上舞台,奏出動人的樂章, 並且讓音符迴盪在觀眾回家的途中。

Taipei Philharmonic Orchestra

TPO’s first general director and principal conductor was the late American Henry Mazer, a former Associate Conductor of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. Mazer dedicated over 15 years of his life to supervise the artistic growth of TPO. When he first brought the orchestra to perform in the United States in 1990, music critic William Russo praised the orchestra for its excellence: “The Sinfonietta is one of the finest groups of musicians I have ever heard”. After the death of Mazer in 2002, TPO has had several conductors, among them, Alexander Rudin, Andreas Delfs, and Lin Tien-Chi (Paul Lin).

TPO made its second North American tour in 1995. Of its performance at Boston’s Symphony Hall, Richard Dyer of the Boston Globe wrote: “The first sound of the Taipei Philharmonic in Boston Symphony Hall was electrifying. The way the orchestra plays is a real tribute to Mazer’s musicianship. Mazer has a rare understanding of how Verklarte Nacht is constructed, how it should sound and the wallop it should pack. They play with glowing sound, precision of intonation, absolute unanimity of impulse and rare commitment”. During the same decade TPO also made its first visit to Europe, performing in France, Brussels, and Vienna. The European music critics,as their American colleagues, paid similar compliments to TPO: “The ensemble plays with precision and unity . . . the Sinfonietta is of considerable quality... This conductor (Henry Mazer) made Schubert come alive and touch our hearts again”. (Franz Endler, Vienna Kurier)

During the 2000’s TPO enlarged its international tours geographically to include the following countries: Germany, France, the U.S., Russia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, and China. The orchestra was invited to perform in numerous prestigious music festivals: the Braunschweig Classix Festival, the White Nights Festival of St. Petersburg, the Warsaw Autumn Contemporary Music Festival, the Krakow Music Festival Sacrum-Profanum, the Prague Spring Music Festival, the Janáček International Music Festival,the Budapest Music Festival, the Stockholm Royal Castle Music Festival, the Estonian Music Festival Glasperlenspiel, the Riga Music Festival, the Kaunas Pazaislis Music Festival, the Auvers-sur-Oise Festival, the Sully International Music Festival, and the Shanghai World Expo, to name but a few. The venues where TPO has performed included the famous St. Petersburg Philharmonic Hall, the Moscow Performing Arts Center, the Budapest Liszt Concert Hall, Stockholm’s Berwald Concert Hall, Helsinki’s Finlandia Hall and the Rock Church, the Grieg Hall in Bergen, Tallinn Concert Hall, the Kennedy Performing Arts Center, and the Grosser Musikvereinsaal in Vienna.

One of TPO’s missions is to bring classical music to different audiences in different countries through music playing of the highest level. To also improve listeners’ appreciation for modern music, TPO often performs works by living composers of different nationalities, among them Yiu-kwong Chung from Hong Kong, Leif Segerstam from Finland, and Peeter Vähi from Estonia. In addition, TPO organizes workshops, master classes, and other educational activities for both children and adults.


1.葛令卡 盧斯蘭與魯蜜拉序曲
2.德布希 海

2.17 歲 Seventeen,電影《5 月一号》 First of May
3.雙瞳 Double Vision,電影《雙瞳》Double Vision
4.軍中樂園 Paradise in Service,電影《軍中樂園》 Paradise in Service
5.深海 Blue Cha Cha,電影《深海》Blue Cha Cha
6.阿甘正傳,電影《阿甘正傳》 小提琴獨奏/蘇顯達
7.月河 Moon River,電影《第凡內早餐》 Breakfast at Tiffany's 小提8琴獨奏/蘇顯達
9.雨中歡唱 Singing in the rain,電影《萬花嬉春》Singing in the rain 小提琴獨奏/蘇顯達



指 揮 林天吉
小提琴獨奏 蘇顯達

第一小提琴 蘇顯達 王晟耘 謝宓臻 余道明 陳怡安 陳恩加 詹青青 周海鳴 陳玉芬 蔡明儀
第二小提琴 朱育佑 王景賢 施懿珊 許家誠 陳姿瑩 林思諭 謝忠良 林宏洋 曾凌宇 蔡 墉
中 提 琴 ✽王瑞 施弘仁 劉詩珊 盧思璇 何佳珍 張佳馨 胡卉芸 楊愷威
大 提 琴 歐陽慧儒 羅淑儀 謝宜璇 曾鈺婷 陳慶鐘 魏佳玲 馬靜儀 吳欣樺
低音大提琴 陳怡伶 許舒涵 王暘琳 楊玉琳 羅琬臻 容 欣
長 笛 劉慧謹 吳曉貞 陳奐希(兼短笛)
雙 簧 管 李斐雯 聶羽萱 鄭慧豐(兼英國管)
單 簧 管 陳威稜 林佩筠
低 音 管 許嘉宇 陳依汝 施孟昕(兼倍低音管)
法 國 號 陳彥豪 ✽陳信仲 蘇毓婷 王鈺成
小 號 ※陳長伯 ※鄒儒吉 鄭柏鑫
長 號 ✽蔡佳融 王 翎 呂彥慶
低 音 號 段富軒
定 音 鼓 陳思廷
打 擊 陳勇成 陳玉潔 段宇謙 王瑋婷
豎 琴 陳淑杏 鍾智鈞
鋼琴/鋼片琴 陳倩芬
※為國家交響樂團團員協演 ✽為台北市立交響樂團團員協演