Cheng-Tu Su, conductor Chih-Chang Hsueh, violin Taipei National University of the Arts String Ensemble


Chih-Chang Hsueh & TNUA String Ensemble




蘇正途在樂界展現其多方面的音樂才能,他集小提琴、中提琴演奏家、指揮與小提琴教師於一身。 身為中、小提琴家,蘇正途曾應邀與羅契斯特大學和羅契斯特愛樂交響樂團合作,擔任小提琴獨奏,並擔任New Brunswick室內樂團的首席小提琴手,他也曾任職於New Jersey交響樂團擔任第一小提琴手。在國內,他曾與台灣省交響樂團、實驗交響樂團、台北愛樂室內樂團與音契管絃樂團協奏。2006年9月他應邀前往東京與日籍小提琴家蜷川泉及Euodia樂團演出莫差爾特的交響協奏曲擔任中提琴獨奏,2008年6月再度與小提琴家宗緒嫻及音契合唱管絃樂團於台北國家音樂廳演出該曲。2007年與2009年,他兩度受邀前往雅加達舉行小提琴獨奏會。此外,身為室內樂演奏家、他曾與台灣三重奏應邀到美國洛杉磯的 List-Glenn Institute 演奏與教學,也經常與名家演奏室內樂,其中包括傅聰、胡乃元、章雨亭、Simon Standage和Paul Katz等國際名家。

除了中、小提琴演奏,蘇正途的指揮經歷也非常豐富。他曾任台北市立交響樂團的指揮兼副團長,也曾擔任東吳大學管絃樂團和音契合唱管絃樂團的指揮,並曾應邀指揮聯合實驗樂團、台灣交響樂團、高雄市立交響樂團、台北愛樂管絃樂團、台南市立交響樂團與台北獨奏家室內樂團,許多當代的管絃樂作品都經由他首演。除了管絃樂作品,他也指揮過威爾第歌劇阿依達與首演作曲家錢南章的歌劇「雷雨之夜」。與他合作過的國際名家包括小提琴家胡乃元、Hagai Shaham、錢舟、鋼琴家殷承宗、劉孟捷、Gustavo Romero、低音管獨奏家小山昭雄、小山莉繪、長笛家Yossi Arnheim、與知名弦樂四重奏團Borromeo String Quartet等。

1984年自美國回台擔任教職後,蘇正途的教學成果豐碩,眾多學生在他指導下屢次在國內、外的小提琴與室內樂的比賽中獲獎;而其培育出的學生也已有多人陸續在國內外大學與知名樂團中擔任要職。 蘇正途畢業於美國伊士曼音樂院(Eastman School of Music),受教於克里夫蘭四重奏(Cleveland Quartet)的Prof. Peter Salaff,獲頒碩士學位並榮獲演奏家文憑(Performer’s Certificate)。他也曾在曼哈頓音樂學院(Manhattan School of Music)與小提琴名師Prof. Raphael Bronstein學琴。


1997年畢業於國立藝術學院音樂系,1998年贏得國立臺灣交響樂團協奏曲大賽首獎,2000年負笈德國,師從義大利小提琴家Marco Rizzi,2003年以最高分取得德國Detmold音樂院藝術家文憑。曾擔任德國Detmold歌劇院樂團第二小提琴首席、澳門交響樂團副首席、國立台灣交響樂團首席,2011年受邀大陸最高賽事-金鐘獎室內樂比賽評委,並受聘為廣州星海音樂院客座教授;2012年9月起出任高雄市交響樂團首席一職至今。曾擔任客座首席包括台北市立交響樂團、台北愛樂、深圳交響樂團、香港小交等。曾受邀和國臺交、北藝大管弦樂團、Ensemble des Landestheater Detmold、澳門樂團、Taiwan Connection Orchestra、台北市交、高雄市交及其他大小民間樂團合作協奏曲。除了演奏之外,亦任教於國立臺南藝術大學與高雄師範大學。有聲出版品有《巴赫無伴奏小提琴組曲》、《台灣純弦-弦舞台灣》;著作出版有《從空弦開始-捨繁求簡的小提琴發音與練習觀念》一書以及樂譜《聖誕前奏曲》。

北藝大絃樂團 TNUA String Ensemble
由蘇正途教授領軍的北藝大絃樂團成立於2000年9月,本樂團除了凝聚優秀的絃樂學生一起展現絃樂之美外,也提供同學更多與樂團協奏的機會,合作過的名家包括:巴洛米歐絃樂四重奏(Borromeo String Quartet)、鋼琴家劉孟捷、古斯塔夫.羅梅洛(Gustavo Romero)、小提琴家胡乃元、瑪麗娜.席施(Marina Chiche)、低音提琴演奏家堤維西‧巴赫貝(Thierry Barbé)、長笛演奏家約西.阿恩海姆(Yossi Arnheim)、低音管演奏家小山昭雄(Akio Koyama)、小山莉繪(Rie Koyama)等,此樂團已成為國立臺北藝術大學音樂學系另一支強而有力的生力軍。

Cheng-Tu Su has been recognized as a musician who has been active in performance as being recitalist, chamber musician, concert master and conductor in the United States, Indonesia, Japan, and his native country Taiwan. Su has appeared as soloist with Taiwan Symphony, Taipei Symphonietta, Taiwan National Orchestra and Rochester University Orchestra. As a chamber music lover, he was the violinist of Taiwan Piano Trio, with this group that was being invited to teach and perform at the List-Glenn Institute of Music in L.A. in 1987. He has also regularly played chamber music with the distinguished musicians, among them are Fu Tzong, Hu Nai-Yuan, Paul Katz, Simon Standage and others in certain occasions. He was the concertmaster of Taiwan Symphony, Taipei Symphonietta and New Brunswick chamber orchestra and played in the 1st violin section in New Jersey Symphony Orchestra from 1983 to 1984. Besides being a concert violinist and violist, Su also is a favorite conductor in his country. He has served as conductor of the Soochow University Orchestra in 1984-1994 and the Yin-Qi Symphony Orchestra and chorus in1984-1996. He assisted Chen Chiu-Sen (former music director of the Taipei Symphony Orchestra) rehearse the Hua Hsing String Orchestra for the 8th International music competition in the Netherlands in 1978. The orchestra won first prize in the event. He also conducted the same orchestra in Germany, France and the Netherlands. In 1984, he conducted an orchestra composed of Taiwan music students abroad and gave performances in Vienna and around Taiwan. In 1997, Su was invited as associate music director and conductor of Taipei Symphony Orchestra for one year when he had given outstanding performances as conductor .He has also conducted opera productions such as Verdi’s “Aida” and the “Stormy Night” by Taiwanese composer Chien Nan-Chang (world premier). As graduate of Eastman School of Music and the Manhattan School of Music, Su studied violin with Peter Salaff and Raphael Bronstein. He also studied conducting with Chen Chiu-Sen and David Effron. He was the faculty member of the Soochow University from 1984 to1993. Presently he is one of the violin and chamber music faculty at the Taipei National University of the Arts, also being the music director of the school’s string orchestra since 2000. In 2015, he was honored as distinguished teacher of Taipei National University of the Arts.


Taiwanese violinist, first prize winner in the Taiwan National Competition of Music, Taipei National University of Arts Strings Competition and the 2nd Violin Competition 1998 held by National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra. Awarded the Artist Diploma with highest note in 2003 in Hochschule für Musik Detmold Germany, studied with Italian violinist Marco Rizzi and worked closely with Prof. Vesselin Paraschkevov and renowned violist Nobuko Imai, also guidance from Erick Friedman, Gerald Poulet, Saschko Gawriloff, Roman Nodel during his school period. He was former 2nd violin principal in the Landestheater Detmold, assistant concertmaster of the Macao Orchestra and concertmaster of National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra. Since 2007 engaged in the Taiwan Connection Festival, acting as chamber music musician and concertmaster of TC Orchestra while invited by the world-renowned violinist HU Nai-yuan. Besides current position as concertmaster in Kaohsiung Symphony Orchestra since 2012, often invited as guest concertmaster in Taipei Symphony Orchestra, Taipei Philharmonic Orchestra and others. As a soloist also appears in major cities in Germany, Taiwan and China etc., orchestras have been cooperated with including Landestheater Detmold, Macao Orchestra, Kaohsiung Symphony Orchestra, National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, Taichung City Orchestra, Taipei Symphony Orchestra and TC Orchestra etc.. HSUEH Chih-Chang is one of the best known and active violinist in Taiwan, host violin and chamber music classes in both National Tainan University of Arts and Kaohsiung Normal University. CD releases including albums of 3 Bach‘s partita for solo violin, recordings with Taiwan Pure String Ensemble, One-Song Orchestra and many others. In Spring 2017 gave recitals in Kaohsiung and Taipei with complete Paganini 24 caprices in program, alongside a book publication ""Begin with Open String - simple essence of sound production, practicing and performance

TNUA String Ensemble

The Taipei National University of the Arts was founded under the auspices of The Ministry of Education in 1982, with a specific goal and purpose: to elevate the level of Performing Arts Education in Taiwan. Over the years, this vision continues to be fulfilled, as the Taipei National University of the Arts upholds this vital role and challenge, to being the forerunner and leader in the Performing Arts Education in Taiwan. Succeeding this mandate, the Taipei National University of the Arts String Ensemble was founded in 2000, the dual purpose of elevating the orchestral training & performance standard of college level musicians, while also being a platform where outstanding performances are presented for the public. Repertory presented in over 40 performances over the last 20 years, under the tutelage of conductor Cheng-Tu Su, span the gamut from the Baroque to the Contemporary, as well as performing traditional Taiwanese music and western music. Over the past 20 years, the string ensemble has had the privilege to work with musicians of resounding international stature, including the Borromeo String Quartet, pianists Meng-Chieh Liu, Gustavo Romero, violinist Nai-Yuan Hu, Marina Chiche, double bassist Thierry Barbé, flutist Yossi Arnheim, bassoonist Akio Koyama, Rie Koyama, amongst others.


Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: Andante Cantabile from String Quartet No. 1, Op. 11 (Arranged for String Orchestra by Clark McAlister)

Felix Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto in D minor

Ernő Dohnányi: Serenade in C Major, Op. 10 (Arranged for String Orchestra by Lucas Drew)

Ludwig van Beethoven: String Quartet No. 11 in F minor, Op. 95 (Arranged for String Orchestra by Gustav Mahler)



Cheng-Tu Su, conductor
Chih-Chang Hsueh, violin
Taipei National University of the Arts String Ensemble


TSUNG Cho-Chang Education Foundation