Shao-Chia Lü, conductor Taipei National University of the Arts Orchestra


Maestro Shao-Chia Lü & TNUA Orchestra


現任NSO國家交響樂團藝術顧問的呂紹嘉,為享譽國際樂壇的旅歐名指揮家,《南德意志報》曾以「表達音樂意境之大師,也是一位才華卓絕的指揮」來形容他。曾獲得法國貝桑頌、義大利佩卓地和荷蘭孔德拉辛三大國際指揮大賽首獎,2004年獲頒贈象徵德國萊茵蘭—普法爾茨邦文化最高榮譽的「彼得•科內利烏斯(Peter Cornelius)獎章」。近年來合作的主要交響樂團有柏林、巴伐利亞廣播、法國國家、維也納廣播、英國利物浦愛樂、奧斯陸愛樂、赫爾辛基愛樂及荷蘭皇家音樂大會堂管絃樂團等。


— 《美國唱片指南》2017

呂紹嘉出身台灣,為享譽國際樂壇的旅歐名指揮家。自鋼琴啟蒙,後隨陳秋盛研習指揮,繼而赴美印第安那大學及維也納國立音樂院深造。在贏得法國貝桑頌、義大利佩卓地和荷蘭孔德拉辛三大國際指揮大賽首獎後,展開了他在歐洲的指揮生涯。 旅居德國期間先後擔任柏林喜歌劇院首席駐團指揮(1995-1998)、德國柯布倫茲市立歌劇院音樂總監(1998-2001)、德國國家萊茵愛樂交響樂團音樂總監(1998-2004)、德國漢諾威國家歌劇院音樂總監(2001-2006),並於2004年5月獲文化部長頒贈象徵該省文化最高榮譽的Peter Cornelius獎章。
在歌劇的領域中,曾於英國國家歌劇院、布魯塞爾皇家歌劇院、雪梨歌劇院、德國司徒加特、柏林德意志、漢堡、法蘭克福歌劇院客席指揮。呂紹嘉在交響樂指揮的表現也同樣耀眼。近年來合作的主要交響樂團有柏林、西南德、中德、巴伐利亞廣播、法國國家、里昂、杜魯士、史特拉斯堡、維也納廣播、英國利物浦愛樂、奧斯陸愛樂、貝爾根愛樂、赫爾辛基愛樂、瑞典廣播、挪威廣播、哥特堡、羅馬聖西西里亞、及荷蘭皇家音樂大會堂管絃樂團等。在亞洲,呂紹嘉與香港管弦樂團、NHK、新日本愛樂、首爾愛樂、韓國KBS及北京、上海等地的代表性樂團合作演出。 自2010年8月起接任NSO國家交響樂團音樂總監。並於2014-2017兼任南丹麥愛樂交響樂團的首席指揮。

本團演出曲目豐富,從巴洛克至現代,從本土至西方。並與許多國際知名演奏家合作演出,如名指揮家小澤征爾(Seiji Ozawa)、呂紹嘉、簡文彬、名鋼琴家阿格麗希(Martha Argerich)、陳宏寬、管風琴家沃約翰(John Walker)等等。本團自2005年起規劃一連串的國際演出,包括香港、奧地利、韓國、加拿大、阿根廷及法國等地。2006及2008年更兩度受邀擔任加拿大BC省Powell River國際音樂節The International Choral Kathaumixw駐音樂節藝術家。
國立臺北藝術大學管絃樂團每年積極策劃不同主題性質之音樂會演出,一方面呈現一年來研究教學的成果,另一方面藉著這個機會肩負一些社會教育的任務。期以公開展演來檢視教學的肯定性及甄達理想的程度,並藉以維持與校外的現實藝術環境溝通管道的暢通。 自1993年起,國立臺北藝術大學管絃樂團更配合學院每年一度的「關渡藝術節」、「藝術新鮮人」系列活動,藉本大學完善的展演場所,精心規劃各類型的音樂節目,以帶動地方藝文風氣,提升地方生活品質,以求進一步落實「藝術造鎮」的理想。

Overstatement and exaggeration are not his style. What one does get is solid, deliberate, exceptionally well-honed performances that combine intense lyricism with power.
— American Record Guide 2017

Taiwan-born conductor Shao-Chia Lü studied music in Taipei, later at the Indiana University in Bloomington, USA, and also at Vienna’s College of Music. His training resulted in important first prizes at three renowned international conductor competitions: Besancon (France), Pedrotti (Italy) and Kondrashin (the Netherlands).

Shao-Chia Lü accepted positions as General Music Director of the Koblenz Theatre(1998-2001), the Staatsorchester Rheinische Philharmonie Koblenz(1998-2004), and the Staatsoper Hannover (2001- 2006).He has also been Chief Conductor of the South Denmark Philharmonic from 2014 to 2017.

Shao-Chia Lü appears regularly as guest conductor at several world-renowned opera houses, incLüding the Opera Australia in Sydney and Melbourne, the English National Opera, Theatre de la Monnaie in Brussels, Den Norske Opera in Oslo, Gothenburg Opera, Oper Frankfurt, Staatsoper Hamburg and Stuttgart, Deutsche Oper and Komische Oper Berlin.

Alongside his opera activities, Lü is equally at home on concert podiums. Lü has worked frequently with many leading European orchestras, such as the Oslo Philharmonic, Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, Norwegian and Swedish Radio Orchestras, Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, Orchestre National de France, SWR Stuttgart, Rundfunksinfonieorchster Berlin, the Goteborgs Sinfoniker, Staatskapelle Weimar, Frankfurter Museumsorchester and Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in Amsterdam. In Asia, Lü has worked with the Hong Kong Philharmonic, NHK, New Japan Philharmonic, Seoul Philharmonic, KBS Symphony Orchestra and leading orchestras in China.

Shao-Chia Lü has been Music Director of the Taiwan Philharmonic (the National Symphony Orchestra) since August 2010.

Taipei National University of the Arts Orchestra
The Taipei National University of the Arts was founded under the auspices of The Ministry of Education in 1982, with a specific goal and purpose: to elevate the level of Performing Arts Education in Taiwan. Over the years and into the New Millennium, this vision continues to be fulfilled, as the Taipei National University of the Arts upholds this vital role and challenge, to being the forerunner and leader in the Performing Arts Education in Taiwan.
Succeeding this mandate, the Taipei National University of the Arts Orchestra was founded under the guidance of the Ministry of Education in 1983. The TNUA Orchestra maintains to this day, the dual purpose of elevating the orchestral training & performance standard of college level musicians, while also being a platform where outstanding contemporary works are performed for the public. Repertory presented in over 200 performances over the last 37 years, span the gamut from the Baroque to the Contemporary, as well as performing traditional Taiwanese music and western music. Yearly, the orchestra plans diverse programs, to challenge students to exercise their gifts as they learn new repertoire, rehearse and prepare for performances. Not only are the students fulfilling study requirements, but they are also gaining vaLüable skills to prepare them for future careers in the performing arts. Access to a world – class performing hall and other venues on campus provide the orchestra with invaLüable performance opportunities, while periodic tours around Taiwan foresee that the orchestra plays an innovative and leading role in bringing the Performing Musical Arts to the entire island of Taiwan. Over the past 37 years, the orchestra has had the privilege to work with musicians of resounding International stature, incLüding conductor Maestros Seiji Ozawa, Shao-Chia Lü, Wen-Pin Chien, Jorma Panula, pianists Martha Argerich, Hung-Kuan Chen, organist John Walker, violinist Nai-Yuan Hu, and the Borromeo String Quartet, amongst others.
The TNUA Orchestra has been invited to perform in Germany, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, Argentina, China, Canada and France. In both 2006 and 2008, the TNUA Orchestra is privileged and honored to be invited as the Artist in Residence of the Kathaumixw International Choral Festival in Canada.


Felix Mendelssohn: The Hebrides Overture, Op. 26 (Fingal’s Cave)

Franz Schubert: Symphony No. 8 in B minor, D. 759, Unfinished

Nan-Chang Chien: Lento for String Orchestra and Harp

Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67


Shao-Chia Lü, conductor
Taipei National University of the Arts Orchestra


TSUNG Cho-Chang Education Foundation