《The Passion of Medea 米蒂亞的受難》取材自希臘神話中,伊阿宋尋找金羊毛、以及其後米蒂亞的故事。
這是一個關於文明中的孤兒們的故事。 劇中三個主角,分別是文明的三個階段的人的象徵,來自烏爾高度文明的原子人拿歐米,來自希臘、象徵進取與侵略性的文明人伊阿宋,還有來自高爾契斯、高貴的高地人米蒂亞,他們是不同程度的孤兒,走出伊甸園的保護,時不時回望充滿幸福卻不屬於自己的樂園。走到這裡,走到那裡,在荒野中試著尋找一點點跡象。
“The Passion of Medea” has drawn its material from Greek Mythology, including The Quest of Golden Fleece and Medea.
The play reveals the alienation of human souls struggling under civilization.
Each protagonist symbolizes the three stages of how individuals are trapped in a net called civilization. Naomi is socially atomized from the highly cultivated culture, Ur. And Jason is a Greek who believes in his aggression and ambition proudly. While Medea, as a sacred wildling, is the Highlander from Kolchis. Without the protection of paradise, these three Eden outcasts are orphaned in different ways . Thus, every now and then, they retrospect to the happiness they once had in heaven. They cannot help but keep wandering around in the wildness in order to gather the scattered pieces of themselves.
It is a painful journey where the orphans suffer from their uncertainty, loss and restlessness. Yet, it is the pain that gradually has them recognize who they truly are.
The story tends to capture the orphans’ journey of seeking for themselves after leaving Eden.
With ""Professionality, Innovation, and Excellence"" as our motto, the School of Theatre Arts at TNUA aims to equip our students with theatre techniques, theories, and practice skills, both in west and east, traditional and modern dramatic theatre. Through the full-time campus training, 4 years in B.A., 2 to 3 years in M.F.A. or M.A., and 3 to 5 years in Ph.D., students are expected to gain not only professional knowledge but also contemporary perspectives and artistic ideas, with a view to delving into a direction for modern theatre, thus bringing a new vision to Taiwan's performing arts.
製作人 | 朱宏章、曹安徽
執行製作 | 林家文、林隆圭
編劇、戲劇顧問 | 方粲文
導演 | 蔣薇華
舞台設計 | 謝均安
服裝設計 | 陳佳敏
燈光設計 | 曹安徽
音樂設計 | 周莉婷
技術指導 | 林隆圭
動作設計與指導 | 黃凱臨
踢踏舞編舞 | 蕭楨潔
舞台監督 | 顏靖玟
演員 | 王健銘、朱奕勳、吳佩珊、吳奇晃、李紹棋、杜采潔、林俐瑜、林楀祺、洪懿彤、唐子捷、唐若喬、晁鍾仁、張益誠、陳志威、陳佳柔、陳芷萱、陳采恩、陳柏宏、黃羿真、鄧丞恩、鄭羽珊、賴祈宏、羅予杏 (依姓氏筆畫排列)
樂手 | 陳家豪、張恩瑋