故事發生在法院正審理一宗死刑凶殺案,案中一名住在貧民區的少年被控於深夜在家以彈簧刀殺死父親,樓下跛腳老伯表示親耳聽到少年大叫「我要殺了你!」並看到被告慌忙逃出;男孩家對街樓上的的女士表示她親眼目睹少年一刀插入父親心口,當鋪老闆更承認賣過行兇的彈簧刀給這位少年。男孩自己則聲稱自己和父親爭吵,怒而離家,去電影院看電影至深夜才回家,回到家後發現父親已經遇害。少年有前科,又無法說出當晚所看電影的名稱及主要演員,幾乎所有的證據都對他不利,大家又對這位被告有很大偏見。12名陪審員開始退庭商議,當時其中 11人均認為被告有罪,在悶熱的的會議室裡,大夥只想趕快終結此一案件,只有 1人(8號陪審員)不同意,他指出了另一種可能性……
It’s a story about a murder deliberated in the courthouse. A teenager from a slum is charged with killing his father with a switchblade. The lame old man downstairs says that he saw the teenager flee in haste and had heard him shout "I'm gonna kill you!", the lady living in the building across the street from the boy’s says that she witnessed the teenager stab in his father’s heart, even the pawnbroker admits that he sold him the blade. But the boy claims that he had quarreled with his father that day, and went out watching movie. Not until midnight he went home and meanwhile knew that his dad had been killed. Criminal record, not knowing the movie name and cast that night, almost every evidence is disadvantage for him. In the suffocating chamber, 11 of 12 jurors count the defendant to a guilt out of prejudice. Everyone just want to close this case as soon as possible, except one, juror 8, who point out another possibility…
About the Group│
A troupe, gathered by the graduation product ‘’Twelve Angry Men’’, consists of graduates of TNUA. Angry men is about a jury, that cross-examines depending on their own specialties to approximate the justice. ‘’Twelve’’ means bringing everyone’s specialties into effect in the drama. Like a jury, without enlightenment, without omniscience, 「十貳」hopes that the drama can ignite discussion, and impell the audiences to save the world.